If you're living your passion, you're living your purpose.

If you're living your passion, you're living your purpose.


❈ You are a high achiever who feels restless, knows that there is more to life, yet something is missing.

❈ You know that there is a higher power, a deeper meaning, something more.

❈ You’re looking for that glow that comes from living your life’s purpose.

❈ You feel overwhelmed, chasing all of the things, unsure where to start in your career or life, or you need clarity on your purpose.

❈ You want to speak honestly, in your professional and personal life tap into your intuition, and share your gifts.

I'm Mari.

Feeling successful but unfulfilled?

You're a leader, juggling work and family, but crave a deeper connection - to yourself and your purpose.

I create a safe space

to help women like you reconnect with your intuition and ignite the confidence to live a life you love.

I ask powerful questions and equip you with tools

to move forward.

Ready to learn more?


Are you ready to change your perceptions, step into your truth, and break through what holds you back?


Radiant Life Sessions

Tried and tested 3 step method to activate your life & step into your purpose. It's easy to get caught up in the “shoulds” and lose sight of what truly sets your heart on fire.

A powerful 4-part journey back to yourself, we’ll be diving deep to:

❈ Clear the energetic blocks that are standing in the way of you living your dream life

❈ Connect to your internal GPS system so you feel like you’re in the driver’s seat of your life

❈ Claim your most exciting & meaningful future

Life Activated

Tried and tested 3 step method to activate your life & step into your purpose. It's easy to get caught up in the “shoulds” and lose sight of what truly sets your heart on fire.

In the Life Activated Course:

❈ You’ll uncover your true passion and purpose and co-create a clear an undeniable vision.

❈ You’ll reconnect to your values and to what brings you joy.

❈ You’ll recognize all the amazing things you’ve done to date and go for more.

❈ You’ll experience breakthroughs and realizations and you’ll create clear actionable steps to start living your life purpose with ease.

Reap the rewards of your work & emerge joyful, confident, and excited for your for step.

Embodied Style

This workshop is the secret weapon to gaining unshakable confidence and alignment with your true self. For the bad*ss professional woman who's ready to express her leadership with her style. The results are life changing.

“I gained an incredible sense of confidence and ease and alignment with my true inner essence.”

Deb Caron, Intuitive Well-Being Entrepreneur


When the first opportunity came up to work with Mari it was just that gut feeling, I knew that was the next step that I needed to take. We've been working on refining that voice that has always been inside me. Refining my ear, feelings, reactions and trusting that more.

Having been in the military for 11 years, the biggest aha in working with Mari was realizing that I’m a creator soul type and that's when I'm in my flow state and happiness and when I'm not creating I start to feel out of whack.

I found that I was heavily weighted in the grind, the action, the achieving, the acquiring material things. I was getting impatient, wanting all of it right now. I was missing this whole opportunity to be present to be grateful about what I already had and enjoying the ride. Cultivate | your inner wisdom answered that need for me to be present. It reminded me that there isn't a destination, that it's all about the journey and if I keep focusing on the destination I’ll miss a lot of the awesomeness that's happening right now.

In the group program I realized that I was not alone in a lot of the struggles and frustrations, in what I’m working on with growing my spirituality. There's a lot to be gained from a group effort, you get results much faster.

The word that I've used most frequently to describe how I feel as a result of the program is peace. There's a relief and I feel so much more in control. I feel settled, more joyful, and happier. I have tools that I use and those are all things that remind me of all that I'm working on. Mari helped maintain that balance so that pieces came through, keeping in balance and releasing the grind. I feel much more in the moment.

If you’re thinking about working with Mari she's your guide. She’s great at helping you find your unique spiritual path.

Lauren Cosgrave, Founder of The Action Taker Method

“I really appreciated the space where I shared my own experience through this journey but also heard the experiences of others. We're on a similar exploration.

The comfort I felt coming to this space, all the other people that were in virtual space with me I hadn't known prior the program and Mari is a very big piece of that because anytime I come into a space with her I feel lighter energy, a release.

When I started working with Mari I was in the process of stepping into who I truly am and letting go of a lot of the conditioning I had tried to meet my whole life. Working with Mari, I was able to let go of a lot of what wasn't serving me or the people around me.

I wasn't really getting anywhere and I knew I could and as we continued to work together, I had more and more breakthroughs that have helped me understand my needs better and by knowing my needs, I start to understand my truth, and it just feels good.

We've been doing the group program now and I've had very big changes physically in my life where I settled into my own apartment and I have a new job. That just kind of just kind of came to me. I didn't seek them out, and I felt that was a huge transition. I've been very focused on setting up the structure of my life these past couple of months, and then letting things come to me more.

If you're coming into the space Cultivate | your inner wisdom, you have to be willing to do the work, knowing that you'll have a support system but like that support system is also there to hold you accountable. Anyone who is coming to work with Mari has most likely given it much thought and is ready to do the work, and trust the process of it. Because there's a lot of unexpected turns and it's a really special place.

I think it's like some of the most important work that people could be doing right now and it's worth it.”

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Stephanie Pieper, Designer & ArtiST


Balanced Black Girl Podcast

We always look for something beyond us but, but if we actually do that thing that lights us up. That is the purpose, it can change it can shift it can morph, but that is the truth.

We talk about exploring our souls purpose with a corporate job or as an entrepreneur and how you can tap into your intuition and inner wisdom.

The Skeptic & The Mystic Podcast

I connected with the talented Deb Caron & Heather Esposito on their podcast The Skeptic & The Mystic.

We spoke about the path to uncovering psychic gifts and how I use them to help others find their passion and purpose. Give it a listen and let me know what you think .✨

Sage Sisters Podcast

The Sage Sisters are amazing! Talk about powerhouse women. Haley and Megan are the bomb.com. (Yup I said that).

In this episode, we discuss following the “pings” and “coincidences” of life. Be sure to listen to the end for the card reading. ✨ ⁣


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